Brian Wilson
1945 - 2016 The family of Brian Wilson are sorry
Brian Timmer
1945 - 1972 Funeral service was held Monday in Christian
Robert (Bob) James Froese
Died 2009 FROESE, Robert James "Bob" Peacefully with his family
Robert John Davies
Died 2013 Robert John Davies passed away July 26, 2013
William John Robinson
Died 2017 On Wednesday, November 1, 2017, Mr. William (Bill)
Bill McGillivray (Brian Terry)
Died October 29th 2022 Photo of Bill from CHS 25th
Bill Alendal
Died 1964 Article about Bill and the scholarship created in
Betty May (Earle) Donaldson
1945 - 2015 It is with sadness that we announce
Benny H. Byers
1944 - 1976 We have been unsuccessful in finding any
Barbara Madsen
The information received in our search for 1963 grads was