Ines Mohl

April 5, 1945 - May 7, 2014 Hilo Hawaii

 Ines funeral home announcement indicates that there was no obituary, no event in her honour, and no recorded tributes.  As a result, after returning home from the 60th reunion in Chilliwack on September 6, 2023, Janice Orr gathered 7 friends, none of whom had met Ines, for an outdoor memorial as a way of expressing the value of this quiet and beautiful soul.  Ines was an excellent student, an active participant in the library club at CHS, and a member of the group chosen to attend Education in Democracy in Victoria in Grade 12.  We know nothing else about her life journey.  US military records show that her brother, Wolfgang, died on the battlefield in Vietnam.  Ines died in 2014 in Hilo, Hawaii."

Brother, Wolfgang Tony Otto Mohl, March 14, 1943 - December 4, 1967

Father, Otto Mohl, September 5, 1915 - September 17, 2005

Comments accepted only until April 30th, 2024.

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